The following sample might give you an idea for wording your letter to your legislators. The main thing about writing to any of the politicians is to keep your letter (1) Short, (2) To the point, (3) non-emotional, (4) and most importantly, Polite. Also be sure that your name, address, telephone number, fax number, Email address, or any other way to contact you are all on your letter and the letter is signed. If you do not have this personal information on your letter, they will discard it unread.

My example may seem too short, but remember, your legislators get a ton of mail every week and the staffers have to read it all to determine the subject and the content, and then report it to your elected official. If you rant and rave or add paragraph after paragraph of your personal feelings, or use foul language, you are likely to be ignored. Save your emotions for face to face meetings.



Senator or Represenatative( ______________)__
City, State Zip


Dear sir,


I am writing today to let you know that I am opposed to bill #----  that would let the bad people take all the stuff from the good people. 

Please vote against this bill when it comes to the floor.


Joe Public
123 Anywhere Street
Every town, FL 33333

Senator or Represenatative( ______________)__
City, State Zip


Dear sir,

I am writing today to ask that you help in our efforts in Florida to rid the Gulf of Mexico of destructive long lines, fish traps, and gill nets. We are running out of grouper and other reef fish and king mackerel because of these destructive fishing methods and National Marine Fisheries Service is too slow in acting to reduce the commercial fishing quota in order to save these fish stocks from collapse.


Joe Public
123 Anywhere Street
Every town, FL 33333